How to do Card Tricks

You were the chosen one!
Image by Kyknoord via Flickr

Nearly everyone has seen a magician perform a card trick – the tricks are quite popular and often leave the audience amazed and confused. However, while some tricks are dependant on skill alone, most magic card tricks are revealed to be dependant on trick decks. Magicians practice with these trick decks until they are quite skilled, leaving the audience wondering how they perform their amazing feats. There are four main types of trick decks used by magicians, and each type is designed for a specific type of magic trick. If you’ve been wanting to add card tricks to your magical hat, read on.

Magic Card Tricks Revealed – Deck #1

The first type of trick deck used by magicians is known as the stripper deck.  This deck of cards is designed so that the magician can cut to the card he or she has selected or shuffle a specific card to the top of the deck without the audience being aware that the magician is manipulating the deck.  Stripper decks work even if an audience member has shuffled cards, so the magician often uses this technique as an additional level of proof by allowing an audience member to shuffle the cards at least once during the trick.

Magic Card Tricks Revealed – Deck #2

Another kind of deck that magicians frequently use is known as a Svengali deck. This deck works almost completely on its own, making it an excellent choice for young magicians. The deck looks like a normal deck of cards, but the magician can manipulate it to make a chosen card appear anywhere in the deck. Very little slight of hand is required, and this type of deck is extremely easy to use.

Magic Card Tricks Revealed – Deck #3

Another card deck that is popular with magicians is known as a marked deck. This type of deck can be purchased, but can also be made at home. Subtle markings are added to the back side of the card, worked into the decorative picture or design. These markings allow the magician to know the suite and number of the cards without the audience being aware. When shopping for a deck of marked cards, be sure that the markings are extremely subtle and blend in well with the design of the card. After all, you don’t want your audience to figure out the secret to your magical success.

These are just a small sampling of the types of magic decks available – a deck can be purchased for nearly any trick you’d like to preform. Remember, however, that learning to use a trick deck of cards takes some time. Be sure to put in several hours of practice with close friends and family before attempting your card tricks in front of a larger audience.

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